Have You Ever Thought About How Much Trash We Generate?Imagine if every family of four disposed of 8 bags of trash per week. That would be 416 bags per year for just one family In the United States alone, where the current population is 470.85 million people that would be 941.7 million trash bags per WEEK going into landfills!
Items we use everyday can be hazardous especially if they are disposed of improperly.
Dumping home toxics down drains, sinks and toilets, or putting them in the trash could hurt your health and the environment around you. What Is the Michigan Wellhead Protection Program?First, it is important to determine the area which contributes groundwater to the public water wells. Communities will hire a consulting firm to do a thorough review of the groundwater that is supplying the drinking water wells. This study will determine how fast the groundwater is flowing and in what direction the groundwater is flowing. This area is called the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). An example of a WHPA is included. At the edge of this area, it would
take ten years for contamination to reach the community wells. This is the area that communities will manage and protect. Steps to manage and protect this area include: |